Hermanguild Foundation has attributed part of Nigeria problems to it’s inability to care and attend to people with mental issues.
Speaking at the inauguration ceremony of the group held in Owerri over the weekend, the Chief Executive officer of the organization, Mr Ifeanyi Uzomanze regretted how Nigerians particularly those in authority neglect and subject people with mental problems to suffer instead of making provisions for their rehabilitation.

According to the CEO, mental issues can easily be handled and the victim returns to normalcy as long as the appropriate measures which include, care, show of love and concern are shown to the victim instead of abandoning them to fate.

The event which had in attendance people from different walks of life was described as first of it’s kind in this part of the world.

Mr Uzomanze who further described Nigeria one of the developing countries in the world where people with mental health problems struggle more as a result of poor awareness and education.

Citing the World Health Organization (WHO), Mr. Uzomanze defined mental health as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stress of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.

He regretted that most people neglect their mental health with all attention directed towards their physical health.

The CEO said the purpose of saint Hermanguild Foundation was to promote and create awareness on mental health as well as the effects of drug abuse which is known factor in causing mental health disorder.
The organization collaborates with stakeholders to fight the urgly menace, provide psycho-social services to people with mental health challenges, and material donations to rehabilitation centres.
Mr. Ifeanyi Umanze revealed that, St. Hermanguild Foundation now has branches in five different states across the nation where the foundation carries out its functions through volunteers and members.

He however, called on people with either mild, moderate or severe mental health issues to contact Saint Hermanguild Foundation for help, explaining that they have their group of psychologists to render counselling, mental health education and rehabilitation services.

The ceremony was well attended by relevant health professionals, traditional rullers, civil society organization and youth groups.

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