By Emmanuel Chukwu.

Humanity has enjoyed the bountiful gifts of God since God created this world.

Men and women in diverse places have been given opportunities to shine in various planes of life. In politics, men are given the opportunity to chart the course of development for humanity unhindered.

In the business sphere, great business empires have arisen bestridding the world with exotic products and services. Trillions of Dollars, Euros etc are flowing into various business accounts.

Politicians are happy, enjoying the Commonwealth of nations , commanding and directing the activities of nations and their destinies. Some of these political leaders are like Pharos, Nebuchadnezzar and the Neros of the modern world, wielding powers and influence, without recourse to the creator of life, the author of the universe who is invisible, yet His works are super visible on the global horizon. He made the great oceans, rivers, seas, the stars of heaven, the moon and the sun. The whole Galaxy of creation!

God is the creator of the universe. It is an established fact that a great invisible God created this beautiful world, yet some who mistook the universe for evolution have said all sorts of deceitful things to counter God’s involvement in the creation of this beautiful world!
It is very simple to counter such sick deductions of some scientists and their evolutionary assumptions.

Can a house emerge without a builder? Can an automobile evolve on its own without someone designing and building it? The answer is No. Therefore, a great God who is All– knowing created the world and the entire humanity. The very fact that no man can see God with his naked eyes does not mean that there is no God. Man did not evolve. Man was created as man created the telephone, Aeroplan etc . The telephone, radio, aeroplane and computer did not evolve, rather man made them to serve the interest of man.

The relationship between God and man can slightly be compared to the relationship between man and his inventions. God sees man and all his activities every minute, every hour, everyday, but man does not see God because He is spirit. The inventor sees his invention every minute, every hour and everyday, but his inventions do not see him nor feel him, because the inventor is human with flesh. Therefore, when an unguided mind queries God’s existence, it could have been possible for a material invention to query the existence of its inventor cum designer.

Therefore the height of human stupidity is the doubt of the existence of God. An immortal All– knowing God created the universe to serve His purpose as recorded in the book of Genesis in the Holy Bible. Quite unlike man’s inventions, man has cognitive intelligence to make observations, probe into life and make independent deductions. Man can be reached by God through God’s selected prophets as recorded in the Holy Bible.
Man’s inventions and products lack cognitive intelligence to make deductions, therefore they cannot query anything, even the last days Artificial Intelligence AI and humanoids cannot begin independent queries, except as conditioned and manipulated by their human designers.

As a builder has the capacity to destroy the house or car he built, God also exclusively has the powers to destroy man and the entire universe anytime it pleases Him. The sun, moon and stars appear as ordered by God the creator. No matter the exploits of man in science and political power, man cannot determine when the sun, moon and stars should appear. Man can make deductions, observations of the galaxies and make predictions, but cannot restrain any phenomenon from its ordered course by God the creator of the universe!

Science can predict the occurrence of certain natural disasters, but cannot avert any. This proves that a great God created the universe. He is the only one with the powers to direct their movements. The rotation of the earth is God’s order. The South ward flow of rivers and seas is ordered by God. No human power can alter it. Anything created by man is derived from God’s creation. All materials used in building the computer, Artificial Intelligence, AI, and other inventions were extracted from the earth or from the outer space, which are God’s creation.

God who created the world knows when the world will come to an end. It is His exclusive prerogative, beyond man. When He ordered NOAH to build an Ark preparatory to the destruction of the world, everything came to pass. When He ordered Moses to divide the Red Sea, it came to pass.

There is a mighty God that created the universe. The universe and the entire creatures are handiworks of God. No organism evolved from anywhere other than as created by God for no House will arise without a builder. The theory of evolution as propounded by Charles Darwin and his cohorts remains one of man’s scientific blunders in the history of the world.
Man did not evolve from monkey nor did monkey evolve from any other organism. Man was created by God, monkey was created by God with some facial features that look slightly like that of man, but each creature is glaringly different from the other.

Man stands and walks erect with superior cognitive intelligence. Since the blunderus scientific theory was propounded there has not been any record of a human being evolving from monkey! No record of a lion evolving from pussycat, nor has any bird evolved from a cockroach. Each creation of God has the ability to reproduce as ordered by God. If evolution were to be real, it would be a regular occurrence without cessation. Human beings would have continued coming from monkeys every now and then.

God who created the world made it clear through His begotten son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth that the world will end someday. Jesus Christ also disclosed that He will come back again . Any literate human being can get the revelation about the end of the world in the book of Matthew chapter 24 to the end. Revelation 19 vs 1 -22 and other books of the Holy Bible.

Jesus told His disciples and by extension the whole world the signs to notice when His second coming and destruction of the world would be, even when He warned that no one knows the exact hour. He stated the signs.

The second coming of Jesus Christ and the end of the world would be likened to what happened in the days of Noah. Many people in Noah’s days ignored him and refused to enter the Ark until the great deluge that swallowed the earth and its animals as directed by God.

No matter man’s glory in science and technology, in politics, industry, education and new world of robotics, this world will one day come to an end. The creator of the universe has made the revelation through His prophets and His son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross and resurrected made it clear that the world will come to an end at the appointed time.

In the world today, there is a deluge of disturbing unusual signs, everywhere. Whether they are attributed to climate change occasioned by ozone layer depletion or any other explanation, what has been said has been said and it must come to pass.
Therefore, every citizen of the world must prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ and the end of the world. Since the United States, gave a constitutional approval for gay marriage and various European nation’s followed suit and they are trying to force it on Africa, something dangerous is actually going to befall the world. Children of God must be prepared.
The United Nations cannot do anything in this regard. Everybody must get prepared, irrespective of race, status and religion. It is said in Matthew 6 vs 33, Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness as every other thing shall be added unto you.

Jesus Christ must come again as He promised and the world must also come to an end as said in the Holy Bible. Let no man be deceived. Scientific and political feats are derived from God’s benevolence. They should be used to glorify Him and not to query the source of all creation.

Man, be prepared.

Emmanuel Chukwu @ is a journalist, author and print evangelist.

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