Itunu Barnabas Oyewale is a musicologist, music composer, performer, educator and a writer whose music compositions are performed both locally and internationally. He currently works at the Victor Nwankwo Leadership Academy, Okigwe, Imo Sate.

In his quest to advance humanity through quality assurance of imparting knowledge in musical skill acquisition, he reveals some lacuna that is affecting the younger generation and needs to be address in this article.Music is truly a universal language that the world can never live without, even in the supernatural; it is one of the most important tools of worship. As available as it could be and created to either edify our body, spirit and soul, how well do we pay attention to what we conceive or choose as the kind of music we listen to?

Music therapy helps to calm, induce or intricate actions to suit our desired pleasure. To this regard, it is believed that everyone listens to music for different purposes, but most people do not know the content of what they listen to, especially in vocal music (song). The society really cannot help but play different genres of music, leaving her audience to be vulnerable while listening. However, it is in our jurisdiction to choose what kind of music we choose to listen to. Remember that listening to music is different form hearing music. We cannot stop “bad” music on the street or social media but we can intentionally “subscribe” to what we listen to in our homes and personal events. To a large extent, instrumental music could be safe but it is still not enough to satisfy our desires.
I will like to implore every individual, especially parents and guardians, to carefully sieve out the kind of music they listen to, as their ward(s) unconsciously learn from them. Parents should also watch out for the kind of event(s) they attend with their children, as they will not only learn from you, but also from their immediate environment.
I am not saying that parent should keep music far away from their children, no! Rather help them listen to good music that teaches morals and values that will help them be better citizens. We are what we listen to and what we listen to has a long lasting effect in sharpening our thoughts and further reflects in our character, either good or bad. Choose your music wisely!
The same way soccer fans are psychologically lured to promote their club or player’s jersey, so does music trap your thought, spoken language, dressing and at the long run shows in our attitude and character.
Some of us do not understand what we sing until we see how wayward and indecent the music video is, but then, it is too late. Even when we do not understand the language, we should at least try to ask around for the meaning of the song (lyrics). Please, save our children from indecent and seductive music as it could affect their future, which starts now. The choice of music you listen to could either make or mar you. A stitch in time saves nine. Choose wisely!

By itunu (Barnabas) Oyewale (A musicologist, composer, performer, educator and a writ

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